Anime FLCL, also known as Fooly Cooly, is a Japanese original video animation series created by Gainax, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki and written by Yōji Enokido. The series has become a cult classic, with its unique blend of surrealism, humor, and action, making it one of the most memorable anime of all time.

For fans of the series, we have a collection of streetwear inspired by the iconic look of the characters from FLCL. Our collection includes Hawaiian shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, jerseys, hooded cloaks, blankets, canvas, posters, quilts, rugs, Sweatpants, Polo Shirts, Rash Guard Compression Shirts, Long Sleeve Shirts, Tank Tops and hoodies. Each piece is designed with the style and attitude of the FLCL universe in mind, and is guaranteed to turn heads wherever you go.

Some of the most popular characters from FLCL include Naota Nandaba, Haruko Haruhara, Mamimi Samejima, and Canti. Fans of the series often debate over the true meaning of the story and the symbolism behind the characters and their actions.

Overall, our FLCL clothing and merchandise collection is the perfect way for fans to show their love for the series and embrace the eccentric and stylish world of FLCL. Whether you’re a longtime fan or just discovering the series for the first time, our collection is sure to please.

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